As I sat with my kids in the waiting room, I tried to take
it all in… the sights. The sounds. What
was striking to me were the seemingly healthy kids of various ages. There were several newborns, a couple new
crawlers, a toddler, and a few preschoolers and a couple older kids. Ethnicity
varied from patient to patient. I
wondered what was going through the parents minds. Where they a little sick to their stomachs?
Did they experience guilt for passing something on to their new babies? Or were
they being seen for something completely out of left field… where they angry
about it? Were they scared? I wondered if they lost sleep the night before. I
wondered if any shed any tears. I can tell you I rode a wave of emotion. One moment I was diverting the looks of my
children because I was choking back tears and the next moment I was fine –
because I was scolding one of them for something appalling – like whining.
We were finally called up to the BIGS…. We were all put in a
room and we were questioned by the nurse – she pressed us about my history and
then my family history. And then the
doctor arrived. A vertically challenged,
Asian man with a big smile, oversized glasses and a bow tie arrived on the
scene. He asked us similar questions
about my heart disease and family history.
He asked the boys who wanted to go first. My oldest jumped at the chance
to go first. Brave? Sure. But he
relishes the ability to be bigger, better, first over his little brother. It’s
a thing. The oldest did great.

The doc said that both hearts were
structurally sound, pumping and valve function look good and strong. The
electrical disturbance Hunter experienced was not captured therefore, not
diagnosed. The doc indicated that we should return if the frequency of the
“hard” beats increases otherwise return in 5 years for another evaluation.
I asked why it is so difficult to get to see a cardiologist
– his reply is that it shouldn’t be. I
already knew that answer. So, we all
shook hands and I returned to work after agreeing to meet up later for dinner. My boys and their dad went shopping for my
“early” birthday present. I met them at
one of our favorite restaurants. As we were beginning to dive into the food,
Hunter puts his fork down and says, “Mommy, feel my chest.” UGH….. the saga continues.... God is in CONTROL!!
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